Friday, November 19, 2010

How to embed YouTube videos so that they play at 480p by default?

YouTube has changed their player so now the user can choose between 360p, 480p, and others depending on what options are available for that video. I am working on a website and I'd like my embedded video to play at 480p by default rather than having my users switch to it, which they probably won't. Anybody got any ideas? Thanks.How to embed YouTube videos so that they play at 480p by default?
It depends on the choices set by the user's accounts, via cookies. You cannot change someone else's accounts settings.How to embed YouTube videos so that they play at 480p by default?
I believe if you go over to the embed code on the right hand side of the video there is a little blue circle symbol that says customize. It gives you the options and I think it will change the embed code to the size you want it.

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